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Whispers of Healing

Title: "Whispers of Healing"

In shadows cast by ailment's grasp,

Where strength is tested, courage clasped.

A symphony of hope, a whispered prayer,

For those in pain, an answer is rare.

In the hush of hospital halls,

Echoes resilience when courage calls.

No matter their age or where they stand,

Healing touch, a gentle hand.

Through the whispers of the breeze,

Carries solace, and puts hearts at ease.

Faces unseen, yet bonds are sown,

In the healing journey, not alone.

Amidst the ache, a spirit bright,

Defies the darkness, seeks the light.

From youth to age, united we plea,

For health's return, swift and free.

In the tapestry of trials, we find,

Threads of strength in every kind.

A symphony of hearts, resilient and true,

Together, the healing journey we pursue.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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