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Whispers Across the Miles

Whispers Across the Miles

In the ballet of faraway souls, love's melody,

Through cosmic expanse, a symphony set free.

Spatial echoes may seek to intervene,

Yet, heartbeats persist, a unity serene.

Within the covert corners of clandestine desire,

Two souls entangled, a fervent, hidden fire.

Silhouetted against the curtain of the night,

Their love transcends distance, and takes flight.

A clandestine affair, veiled in shadows' embrace,

Navigating the labyrinth of time and space.

Though a circumstance may cast its divide,

Their love, a force impossible to hide.

Whispers across the miles, an ethereal refrain,

A clandestine dance, unbound by the mundane.

Through the ebb and flow of life's endless trials,

Enduring and timeless, these whispers across the miles.

Bound by the strings of fate's intricate design,

Yet love persists as an eternal, radiant sign.

Deeper than the ocean, a secret, sacred sea,

Two hearts entwined, in serendipity.

As the moon whispers secrets to the night,

Their love, a celestial dance, a cosmic delight.

Through the tapestry of fate, a story unfolds,

An odyssey of love, an epic tale to be told.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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