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The Privilege of Love

Title: The Privilege of Love

In the quiet of the night, whispers soft and low,

A symphony of hearts, in sync, aglow.

To matter to the one you love, a treasure rare,

A privilege beyond compare, beyond compare.

In their eyes, a universe, galaxies unfurled,

Each glance, a story, each touch, a world.

To hold their hand, to feel their heartbeat near,

In that moment, all doubts disappear.

In laughter shared, and tears embraced,

In every step, together, we're encased.

To matter to the one you love, a sacred bond,

A melody of souls, forever fond.

Through stormy seas or skies of blue,

In every trial, love sees us through.

For to be cherished, to be adored,

Is life’s greatest blessing, its sweetest reward.

So let us cherish, let us hold dear,

The privilege of love, is forever clear.

For in each other’s arms, we find our home,

A sanctuary where our hearts roam.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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