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Solitude's Strength

Title: Solitude's Strength

In the quiet of the night, a single dad stands tall,

A beacon of strength, facing challenges that befall.

In the dance of shadows, he whispers lullabies,

Nurturing love within, where a resilient spirit lies.

Through sleepless nights and mornings bright,

He crafts a haven, a home full of light.

With worn-out hands and tender care,

He weaves dreams into the fabric of the air.

In the realm of responsibilities, he's the king,

Juggling roles with a silent, graceful swing.

A lone captain sailing uncharted seas,

Guiding his ship with love's expertise.

His laughter echoes in the empty spaces,

Filling the void with warm embraces.

In solitude, a hero emerges, unsung,

A single dad's anthem, a melody unsprung.

For every scraped knee and whispered fear,

His comforting presence is always near.

In the silence of his solo song,

Strength and love, forever strong.

So here's to the single dad, a silent star,

Navigating parenthood, near and far.

In the tapestry of life, where moments are clad,

He weaves a tale—Solitude's Strength, unclad.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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