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Solitude's Embrace

Title: "Solitude's Embrace"

In shadows cast by love's façade,

A soul adrift, a heart unclad.

Beneath the moon's soft, muted glow,

Loneliness blooms, a hidden woe.

Two bodies close, yet worlds apart,

Embraced in the distance, a fractured heart.

Whispers echo in the silent air,

Love's illusion, is a burden to bear.

A symphony of sighs, unheard,

Within the depths, emotions stirred.

A dance of solitude, a silent plea,

Loneliness, a captive, yet so free.

But hark! A whisper from within,

A resilient spirit is about to begin.

In solitude's embrace, strength is sown,

A lonely heart, no longer alone.

Through tears that fall like gentle rain,

A rebirth of hope, a soul's refrain.

Loneliness transforms, a metamorphosis,

Into strength, courage, a genesis.

A journey through the darkened night,

Guided by an inner light.

Loneliness, a teacher profound,

In its depths, resilience is found.

So rise, oh soul, from depths below,

Embrace the strength that loneliness bestows.

For in the echoes of solitude's song,

A resilient heart can still be strong.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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