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Radiance in Simplicity

Title: Title: Radiance in Simplicity

In a world adorned with grandeur and gold,

There stood a soul, a story to be told.

A person of plenty, with riches untold,

Yet simplicity, her virtue, a treasure to behold.

Amidst opulence, she wore a humble grace,

A smile that outshone the finest lace.

With no need for accolades or a grand showcase,

Her essence stood tall, in simplicity's embrace.

In her eyes, reflections of a tranquil stream,

A heart untouched by the worldly gleam.

No airs of pride, no extravagant dream,

Just a genuine spirit, like a timeless theme.

A garden of kindness, where seeds of compassion grow,

She tended to hearts with a gentle flow.

In simplicity's dance, she'd humbly show,

That wealth is in love, and humility aglow.

Amidst a world that clamors for the grand,

She stood out, an emblem of understanding.

A beacon of light in a humble land,

Her simplicity, a melody, is forever enchanting.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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