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Love's Resilience

Title: "Love's Resilience"

In life's cruel dance, when all seems to fade,

And shadows of despair cast a relentless shade,

True love emerges, a beacon so bright,

Igniting hope within the darkest night.

When trials abound, and failures persist,

Love stands tall, it can't be dismissed.

It whispers courage when all feels lost,

A resilient force, no matter the cost.

Through every stumble, every tear,

Love whispers, "You've nothing to fear."

It's a symphony that plays in the heart,

A steadfast companion that'll never depart.

In the wreckage of dreams, where despair may reside,

Love blossoms, a flame that won't subside.

It sparks inspiration, a fervent desire,

To rise again, to reach higher and higher.

So, when life's symphony falters and falls,

True love echoes in resilient calls.

It's a reminder that failures are but a part,

Of a journey where love mends every broken heart.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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