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Life's Stones and Journey's Path

Life's Stones and Journey's Path

When life throws you stones,

Don't throw them back—let them alone.

When hard times arrive, so unkind,

Face them with courage, strength of mind.

When gossip spreads like a whispered breeze,

Don't join in, let it cease.

For those who talk of others' woes,

Will surely gossip about you, too, in close.

If they can't speak well behind your back,

Know they’re not the friends you lack.

Be cautious of those you keep near,

For loyalty is what you should hold dear.

If your life feels troubled, full of despair,

Be mindful of whom you choose to share.

It's better sometimes to keep your thoughts sealed,

For few truly care how you feel.

No one is perfect, embrace this truth,

And don't expect to be, in or out of youth.

Faults will be found by others' eyes,

But rise above, and be wise.

Avoid jealousy, it's a wasteful fire,

Use that time to rise higher.

Become better, wiser, with each day,

Life's a journey, make it your own way.

No matter what comes, be bold,

For this journey is yours to hold.

Take each step with heart and soul,

For it's your life, your path to control.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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