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Life's Embrace

Title: Life's Embrace

In the quiet corridors of fate untold,

Where hearts wander, stories unfold.

Unseen whispers weave a subtle dance,

A tale of love, born from happenstance.

Not sought, yet found in the gentle breeze,

A sudden encounter, hearts at ease.

Through the mist of time, a connection formed,

Unexpected love, a bond transformed.

In the silence of solitude, it came to be,

Love's embrace, unforeseen, wild, and free.

No maps to guide, no scripts to rehearse,

Just two souls converging, in the universe.

Eyes meet, and destiny takes its hold,

A love story written in moments bold.

No armor worn, no defenses to keep,

Unplanned, unbidden, yet oh so deep.

Life's canvas painted with hues anew,

A masterpiece of love, both vibrant and true.

Unfolding chapters, unforeseen turns,

In the dance of passion, a heart now yearns.

From the ashes of routine, love did rise,

Igniting souls, a flame in their eyes.

Not sought, but found in the silent night,

A love unscripted, pure, and bright.

So, in the tapestry of life's grand design,

Unforeseen love becomes the sweetest sign.

A chapter unplanned, a journey untold,

In life's embrace, love takes hold.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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