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In Earth's embrace, a tale unfolds,

Where whispers of warning, a story untold.

Icebergs weep, rivers run dry,

Nature's plea in a desolate sky.

Oceans rise, a silent scream,

Awakening from an uneasy dream.

Forests wane, their sighs unheard,

A symphony of loss, in every bird.

Manifold hues, once vibrant and bright,

Now dimmed by the shadows of endless night.

In the dance of seasons, a dissonant song,

Global warming's melody, hauntingly strong.

Polar winds carry tales of despair,

As carbon footprints etch a scar, unfair.

Yet, in this sorrow, a flicker of chance,

To mend the dance, to reverse the trance.

Let hearts ignite with conscious flame,

For Earth's sake, not in vain.

Hold the promise of a greener morrow,

In the silence, let our actions echo.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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