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Eternal Radiance

Title: "Eternal Radiance"

In the depths of the heart, where echoes reside,

True beauty emerges a gentle soul's guide.

Reflected in eyes, like stars in the night,

A tapestry woven, pure and bright.

Lips that utter words of peace,

Harmony's melody is a timeless release.

Love flows in rivers, care in each glance,

Kindness and concern, a graceful dance.

Respect, a beacon, shining strong,

In the symphony of virtues, where hearts belong.

Real beauty unfolds, a delicate art,

From the depths of the soul, where it imparts.

A canvas of moments, painted with grace,

Each stroke is a reflection of a compassionate embrace.

For in the whispers of genuine connection,

True, pure beauty finds its perfection.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyrighr 2024

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