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"Echoes Across the Miles"

Title: "Echoes Across the Miles"

In the vast expanse of the starlit sky,

Where distances blur and dreams do fly,

There echoes a tale of love so true,

Spanning the miles between me and you.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

Across the seas and endless sky,

Our hearts remain forever entwined,

Bound by a love that's one of a kind.

Though miles may stretch and time may bend,

Our love knows not where borders end,

For in the whispers of the evening breeze,

Your voice carries across the seas.

With each beat of my heart, I feel you near,

Though you're far away, your presence is clear,

In every sunset and every sunrise,

Our love blossoms beneath the vast skies.

So let the distance between us fade,

As our love's echo refuses to be swayed,

For even across the miles, our souls entwine,

Forever connected, for all of time.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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