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Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence

In the stillness of the night, a silence profound,

Echoes of pain, yet to be found.

But within the heart, a spark ignites,

A beacon of hope amidst darkest nights.

For in the silence, courage takes flight,

To break the chains and claim back the light.

No longer bound by fear's cruel grip,

Strength rises forth from within to equip.

With every step, a journey unfolds,

A path to healing, where stories are told.

For in sharing the truth, we find release,

And in vulnerability, we discover peace.

So let your voice ring out, clear and strong,

A testament to resilience, to where you belong.

Reach out for help, for support, for care,

Know that in unity, burdens we share.

Together we stand, a force to be reckoned,

Breaking the silence, no longer second.

For in solidarity, we find our might,

And in lifting each other, we soar to new heights

.So stay motivated, inspired, and true,

Know that within you, strength will renew.

You're not alone in this courageous fight,

Breaking the silence, emerging into light.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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