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In times of need, when shadows loom,

The ones who stand by you in the room,

Are not the ones with pockets deep,

But those whose presence, your heart will keep.

They offer not gold or lavish gifts,

But with time and solace, their spirits uplifted.

With words of kindness and shoulders strong,

They help you navigate the path along.

When trials come and challenges weigh,

They're the ones who won't turn away.

For in their hearts, they understand,

The value of a helping hand.

No need for riches or treasures rare,

Their presence alone, a comfort to bear.

With love and support, they light the way,

Guiding you through the darkest day.

So cherish these souls who offer their time,

For in their friendship, you'll find the prime

Of what it means to truly care,

To be there for others, always there.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj


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