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A prayers for Peace

A prayer for Peace

Divine spirit above, hear our plea,

In a world filled with chaos, let peace be the key.

Guide us with your light, help us to understand,

The power of love and the strength of a helping hand.

Grant us the wisdom to bridge every divide,

And the courage to stand, with peace as our guide.

May compassion and empathy reign in every heart,

And forgiveness and understanding never depart.

In the midst of turmoil, let tranquility rise,

And let unity and harmony reach for the skies.

May the troubles of yesterday fade into the past,

As we embrace one another, and make peace last.

For those in conflict, grant them solace and ease,

Let their hearts find calm, and their souls find release.

May the sounds of gunfire and the cries of war,

Be replaced with the melodies of peace, forever more.

Let every nation and every creed,

Come together in peace, and let love take the lead.

May the whispers of hope drown out the screams of despair,

And in a world of peace, let every soul find care.

Divine spirit above, we humbly pray,

For a world where serenity will always stay.

May peace bind us all in an unbreakable chain,

And let love and compassion in every heart reign.


Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Copyright 2024

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